Saturday, December 31, 2011
Soundtrack of 2011
Title: Fifteen
Artist: Various Artists
Year: 2011
1. Somewhere With You by Kenny Chesney
This is on the list mostly because it is now one of my all time favorite songs, but also because I sort of felt this way in some parts of the year.
2. Hallelujah by Many!
This song helped me get through some really tough times. I've laughed to it, cried to it, sang it with close friends, and even sang it by myself to my mother! (that almost never happens because I'm so shy about my music). It just means a lot to me. Leonard Cohen originally wrote it, but many artists have done covers. This is my favorite one: (the song starts at about 30 seconds)
3. The Only Exception by Paramore
So I have this friend... Allison is her name... and this song is like our inside joke. Allison was a big part of my life this year, and this song just has a lot of memories.
4. Friday by Rebecca Black
Come on, you knew this would be on my soundtrack of 2011 ;) It's probably on everyone's! When I first heard it, I laughed. It was so ridiculous! Seriously, "Sitting in the front seat, kickin' in the backseat, gotta make my mind up, which seat can I take"?! I didn't believe it was real. Eventually, I listened to it enough that I started loving it. I even wrote a parody! Later in the year I watched the video and I cried. Yes, cried. I bet I'm the only person to do that. It brought back good memories! And you probably think I'm insane now... Yeah sometimes I think I'm a little too emotional :P
5. Stay by Sugarland:
This song describes my biggest mistake of 2011. I'm just going to say this right now: Girls, don't EVER fall for guy that has a girlfriend/fiance/wife/etc., even if he tells you he loves you and wishes he could be with you. Never. No exceptions. But still, this is a beautiful song.
6. Laughed Until We Cried by Jason Aldean
I think everyone can relate to this song. I fell in love with it this year when school was just about to end. I'd had an amazing year, and I really didn't want to see it end because I knew I would be attending some school in California instead of that little one in New Mexico. So I did everything I could to make memories that would last forever :)
7. You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift:
Well... this is the second year in row that this has made my list. It means so. much. to me. Ever since I first heard it in the seventh grade, I was in love with it. It's probably still to this day the most played song on my iPod. I know every note, beat and lyric to it. I've related to every word in it, and it was even and "our song" this year. It's always and forever my favorite song.
8. Rocket Man by Elton John:
I really don't know what this song is about, but it was playing during a moment... That moment happened this year, and it was one of the highlights. Listening to it takes me back to that moment.
9. The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert
Watching my parents hand over the keys to that little adobe house to some stranger was pretty hard. I've had 10 houses in my lifetime, but out of all of them, that one "built" me more than any of them. It was an emotional time. This song describes how I felt.
10. Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood
This song made me realize something... And that something changed me. It also helped me help a few of my friends get over a guy. (The same guy both times :/... stupid boy!)
11. Honey Bee by Blake Shelton
I absolutely love this song, and now whenever I hear it I think of the Summer of 2011 because that's when it came out.
12. Church Pew or Barstool by Jason Aldean
I know, the title sounds weird... But listen to the song. It's about not really knowing where you fit in. I've had that problem most of my life, even in my own family. "When you don't seem to run on either side of the fence, people act like you don't make sense". I fell in love with this song the second I heard it.
13. Stronger by Sara Evans
If you've heard the song, you probably know why it's on my soundtrack... Bad things happened this year, but they all made me Stronger :)
14. Rain is a Good Thing by Luke Bryan
When you live in the desert like I do (California and New Mexico are both desert areas) you really miss the rain. The main reason this is on the playlist is that one of my favorite memories of 2011 was walking in the cornfields back home in Ohio singing this song while I got soaked by the rain. Oh, and that it reminds me of Ohio, the place I love more than anywhere else in the universe.
15. Paint This Town by Arabella Jones:
Most of you who read this are probably like, "By WHO?" Arabella Jones is an amazingly talented country singer, but she's just getting started. I found her on YouTube earlier this year and just loved her music. I'm now a street team leader for her! Go check her out! Anyway, the REAL reason that I put this song on the playlist is that it is the story of my life, especially now that I'm here in California. Give it a listen, you won't regret it! :)
16. This is Country Music by Brad Paisley:
This song... is my life. It makes me proud to love country music. I've loved it ever since I was a little girl, and I ALWAYS will <3 It's who I am, it's my life. God Bless Country Music!
17. Fifteen by Taylor Swift
This is the title of the soundtrack of the year. I was 15 for all but about two months of 2011. It describes what happened that year perfectly, and it's how I would say it all looking back. Because of things that happened this year, I know exactly who I am. Sure, I still don't know who I'm goinig to be, but that'll come. Maybe not in 2012, 2013, or even 2014. But it will.
New Year's Eve/Blogoversary!
I'm so thankful for everything that happened this year, and to my friends, family, and God for making it amazing.
So of course, HERE'S TO A BETTER 2012!!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
a summer night, a perfect kiss, a hopeless love...
I was up extremely late last night scribbling away. I couldn't help myself because the words just wouldn't cease to flow from my fingertips. Here is a story for you to read, a story of us, a small story of me.
She looked at him and in that moment, she was filled with wonder and a need for escape into a new world. It was a slow ache that began when her hand touched his fingers intertwined, promising a kiss, this only the prelude. It was summer and possibility was in the air. Warm, brown eyes and a pretty smile, she closed her eyes as she memorized this elapse of time for she would hold it in her hands forever. A pink tie and a gray suit. A sleeveless, blue as sky dress.
"Remember. Always remember this night." She thought, eyes still shut.
She opened them and saw black sky and stars that twinkled as if urging her never to forget. The moon, full and milky white, put the spotlight directly on her as the boy looked back, doubt in his eyes.
"Don't let us go." He told her gently through the clear glass of the doors separating them. He could feel her kiss on his lips.
His expression forlorn, she could feel their love, their night, their forever slipping from her grasp like quicksilver. She closed her eyes and could feel his touch once more. Recapture the butterflies and the free nature of their starry night. For she wouldn't, couldn't believe what they had told her of him. "No," she thought, "Those perfect curls and that charming smile. Not him. No, not him." Denial set in like fear does as it crawls under your skin, staying uninvited and much too long. She, stupid girl, pushed away all realistic thought, settling for fantasies and kisses and intense gazes across the room. "No, no, not him. " she thought. Because he was hers at least for one night and that, my dear was... is all.
She felt her wings grow as he kissed her hair. She was flying, soaring above where no one could reach her. The falseness of infatuation gripped her, unforgiving when it picked her up and as it threw her down. Regret is an ugly creature that lives at the back of the mind to gnaw and eat at one's sanity. She felt lost as infatuation and manipulation handed her to regret and his brother sorrow. A sad tale that hurt more than the initial ache she felt for him as their eyes caught at the beginning of the night.
Stupid, idiot girl. She handed him the silver keys to her heart when he asked simply. Thought not upon his request, she gave him her vulnerability as well trusting, too trusting. Good intentions, maybe so, but two young people are hardly equipped to handle emotions such as these reasonably, sensibly at first. So she gave him a perfect kiss and for this he attempted to sequester her heart and claim it his.
"Ooh," She moaned the next day. Cloudy, not a bit of sunshine as encouragement to aid her through. He lit up her touch screen with messages pulling at her heartstrings. Hot tears descended down her face as she told him her goodbyes. He pleaded, he begged her to listen, not to set their love free to move on like a cloud just passing through. It was too much to bear.
But she took a vow that she never forget the free, fearless nature with which she accidently caught his notice.
For it was the first time she lived that night. As he held her hand in his, she could feel the longing in his touch of never letting go. The passion they shared was undeniable. She sat alone on a bumpy bus ride and reminisced in a summer dress as the wind whipped across her face. Her still broken heart in jagged fragments, she smiled in spite. She'd let him go, he'd gotten away, he was back to doing the same damn thing again. She was just another bright feather is his hat, a meaningless girl that gave up her heart too freely.
It wore her strength down as cousins guilt and regret urged her to meet their good friend depression. She tried to fight.Yet as the months fly away into the endless sky, she still remembers fondly of the love that lasted one day as it took her breath away.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Be Forever Young
Hellooo guys! Soo Abby tagged Addie and me! Which is down below.
How has your Wednesday been going? I used to detest Wednesdays when I was homeschooled though I'm not sure why. But today was a great Wednesday! Its my birthday and I got to spend it at school with friends for the first time!
Addie texted me at 1 in the morning which was AWESOME! Haha, one thing that has stayed true throughout our friendship is the fact that Addie and me are night owls! We used to have sleepovers where we stayed up until 5 in the morning!
I love to read! I begged my parents to teach me how when i was 2! Once I learned how, I wasn't been able to stop.
2~Who are you favorite authors?
I have many, here's 5! Stephenie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Sarah Dessen, Maggie Stiefvater.
3~What phone do you have/do you like it?
I have an iPhone 3GS and I LOVE it! I really want an iPhone 4, but I'm so happy with the phone I have.
4~Favorite store?
That's tough, I think one of my favorite stores is Delia's because their clothes are so cute!
5~Nickelodeon or Disney Channel?
I dislike both these days :( I used to love Disney Channel, but now the shows are horrible. Hannah Montana was my all time favorite when i was younger and I still love watching reruns, but Disney Channel just isn't the same anymore. As for Nickelodeon, I still love watching their award shows, but the TV shows are terrible as well.
6~Pinkberry or Yoomoo?
What? Who?
7~Harry Potter or Twilight?
Harry Potter hands down, but Twilight will always be 2nd place. And of course, The Hunger Games will always win 3rd.
8~Cookies or cupcakes?
Cookies! My parents have contests to see whose cookies are better especially around the holidays!
9~ Do you have any allergies?
Bleh! Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring all year round do I have allergies uugh
10~ Do you believe in ghosts?
11~ What are you wearing right now?
I'm wearing birthday clothes! Jeans, a hot pink t-shirt, and comfy slippers!
12~ What was the last song you heard?
A Christmas album called A Very She and Him Christmas. My parents LOVE Christmas music haha. This will sound really bad, but Christmas music annoys me so much! Though I do love the spirit of the holidays :)
13~ If you were an animal what would you be?
A hedgehog. Always♥
14~ Have you ever been hang gliding/paragliding?
Nope, but it sounds amazingly fun!
15~ Favorite board game?
Monopoly or the game of Life.
16~ Favorite video game?
I have to agree with Abby, Guitar Hero.
17~ Have you ever been on a plane?
Yep, i love when they take off! It makes me giggly and hyper :D
18~Do you like sports?
Not many, I have almost no athletic bone in my body! The only exception I have is Field Hockey because i LOVE it!
19~If you had £1000,000 what would you spend it on?
Friends, Family, College, everything!
20~Favorite flower?
I love pretty much all flowers. They make me sneeze, but I think they're gorgeous.
21~Favorite fruit?
22~Can you ride a bike?
Since I was 5! Learning to ride a bike is part of the reason why after every fall, I can always get back up.
23~Do you believe in aliens?
Apparently it can be mathematically proved but otherwise, I don't care as long as they don't bother me!
24~Favorite kind of cake?
Italian Cream Cake which my mom makes every year for my birthday.
25~Have you ever been bungee jumping?
Nope and I don't plan on it.
26~Have you ever completed a Where’s Wally book?
What's a Where's Wally book?
27~Disneyland or Universal Studios?
Disneyland because of the magic.
28~Pirates or ninjas?
Ninjas are way cooler! They've got skills pirates just don't have.
29~ Sweet or salty popcorn?
Sweet and Salty is the best kind of popcorn. If I had to pick though, salty.
30~If you could visit any fictional place where would it be?
I've gotta agree with Abby: Hogwarts
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Happy Birthday to... Gabrielle!!!! :)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Lately, I've been doodling on my arms and hands (mostly taylor swift lyrics :P) and my favorite is shine! If I'm having a bad day, I think of shining on and getting through it. I think of the shining stars in my life that keep me going.
When you're down, shine on.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Things Change
Alright y'all,
I'm afraid to say it because its happened so. many. times. And hasn't worked out. Like everything else in the future, you never know anything beyond what you think now, and it's hard. Experiences have taught me never to say "for sure" or "definitely". Because you just can't. Life just doesn't go the way you want it to, and that's a good thing. If my life had gone the way I had gone the way I'd wanted it to when I was 4, I'd still be trying to get my degree in being a cowgirl, and trying to find a real prince to marry. Everything that happens does for a reason. Plan all you want, but always remember that things change faster than they can ever be made. Even writing in stone can be faded away.
Yes, there is a much deeper reason to this post than this simple this announcement right now, but that's something I'll tell about later. For now, I'll just say this:
I think were back.
But we'll never be the same.
Gabrielle and I have decided to keep up with this blog again! But there are going to be changes... Lots and lots of changes! These will all be discussed in a later post, mainly because we haven't totally decided what they will be... But stick around to see, because I'm pretty sure that it's going to be amazing...
Watch out for a post from Gabrielle later :)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
It's Not Over :)
Well everyone, I'm sorry for neglecting the blog.
Not that you necessarily care... I mean, I doubt you were sitting by your computer hitting the refresh button over and over saying "AHHH! THERE HASN'T BEEN A NEW POST ON THE STORY OF US IN FOREVER!" Considering we didn't even keep up with it for that long and only had 9 followers. But if you were, I apologize!
Anyway... I guess I'll tell you what's been up. Again, you might not care, and that's fine, but hey I'll tell y'all anyway :)
Gabrielle stopped homeschooling in February and went to what I like to call a "smarticle person school"... She is now swamped in homework on a day to day basis, so that's the main reason why she hasn't posted at all since March...
As for me, its a mix of many things. I went back to school after winter break and sort of forgot about this poor little blog. And, well... I'm ashamed looking back, but I was busy trying make my life revolve around a guy who ended up using me. I know... It's bad. I should have been blogging instead. But I was also busy with some other things that I don't regret! Homework, spending time with my friends from school, and making an award winning film ;) well... Award winning in the New Mexico Youth Film Festival! Maybe I'll post the link to it on YouTube later...
But after the school year finished and he was gone, I really didn't think about the blog, and when I did I didn't have any ideas. Then I moved to California and started a new school and met new people and everything was so crazy. And that's my exuse ;)
As for the US part, Gabrielle and I are still best friends and were pretty much the same :)
Haha, oh and yeah. After our complicated boy issues, we took a vow. A vow not to give any guys any time of day unless they meet up to a list of standards ;) It's called the Better Than Revenge Club, modelled after the Lonely Hearts Club. (Oh us andTaylor Swift songs...) Oh and yeah. We're still obsessed with Taylor Swift!
So I know you guys are probably wondering... "Why post now after all this time?!"
To me, blogging is like a first love. You always think you're over it, but you never really are. I know, I've probably annoyed you guys with my constant and brief "I'M BACK's" and disappearances. I thought this time I was done for good. But here I am writing a post. I don't really know why to be honest. Lately I've been thinking "Ohh, wouldn't it be nice to have a blog again, then I could post about this, or that...". I've had that idea every time I've come back to blogging, but this time its different. I feel like I have more ideas, like I'm a stronger writer, more creative, and I only want to improve. I don't know. Maybe its just another vagary, or maybe its not. I guess we'll see.
Maybe I'll have an inspiration for a blog post tomorrow :)
Monday, March 14, 2011
In the Silence
In silence, much can be discovered.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Yours, Hers, and Mine
This is why I'm troubled when it comes to teams and sides,
Because there's yours, hers, and mine.
How can i pick? Which one do i choose?
I love her and I love you
Where do i stand, where is my place?
Is it with you or her? Everyone only cares about saving face.
Some ignore me, some greet with open arms, some gossip viciously
You and she, you're always smiling in each other's faces,
Silently thinking to yourself, "She looks horrible with braces"
You are prententious acting like everything is ok when you're broken inside and planning your revenge.
She said, she said. I don't care what was said.
Stop trying to pull me into your whirlpool of gossip and hurt
Be friends with me, but don't hope i'll buy into your side,
There's yours, hers, and mine. Yours, Hers, and Mine.
You and she don't understand when I say, "I am like Switzerland."
You and her are disapointed i won't come and join your campaign because I am neutral,
Both of your words are always filled with hate and its a shame,
Why must you and she hurt? Always playing games.
Don't you know you will never win trying to ruin each other's names?
There are 3 sides to choose from: Yours, hers, or mine.
Neutral vs. Taking an opposing side.
That is why i choose mine, you cannot lose their game when you pick your side.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
You'll Never Fade Away
Hey how've you been? I miss you. I can't help but wonder if you do too.
"Is that you?" I hear you say,
You're laughing and you're smiling, you always brighten up my day.
Do you recognize me, have I changed at all?
What have you been up to, I see you've gotten tall.
Hey how've you been? Its been quite a while.
There's a large pile of letters under my bed,
Ones you'll never read, nor words that will be ever be said.
People can prompt me all they like, but my minds made up,
Its not love, its something else, and from a distance it will be enough.
You won't see the tears, nor any pain, and by the way,
Just above a whisper, "You'll never fade
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Thrice Random Newsletter

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he was so cute in Cheaper By the Dozen 2! |
Day 5: A Favorite Quote.

Friday, February 11, 2011
A Letter You'll Never Read
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Things will Change
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Random 3 Things For Monday
I like waking up to a sunny morning.
I like laughing over something that happened a year ago.
I like video chatting over Skype.
I like spinning around with friends until we're dizzy and flat on the floor laughing our heads off.
I like howling with my puppy until everyone tells us to stop.
Today I realized that books are one kind of best friends.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Let It Go
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
“Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.”
Anyway, the point of this post is that music is so many things for so many different people. I love it so much, no matter what kind really. What does music mean to you?
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“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for Music." |
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"Music is what feelings sound like" |
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"People haven't always been there for me, but music always has."-Taylor Swift |
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"Music is love in search of the word." |